Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Diastase Stain Kit
The Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Diastase Stain Kit is intended for use in histological demonstration of lymphocytes and mucopolysaccharides. The a-Amylase digestion step acts on glycogen to break it into smaller sugars that are then washed off the tissue section allowing visual comparison of digested and undigested slides. The PAS reaction in tissue sections is useful for the demonstration of mucopolysaccharides.
PAS Positive Material: Magenta
Nuclei: Blue
PAD-1 Kit Contents:
Alpha-Amylase Solution (1%), 250ml, Item #: AAS250
Periodic Acid Solution, 250ml, Item #: PAQ250
Schiff's Solution, 250ml, Item #: SRF250
Hematoxylin, Mayer's, 125ml x2, Item #: HMM125
Bluing Reagent, 125ml x2, Item #: BRT125
PAD-2 Kit Contents:
Alpha-Amylase Solution (1%), 30ml, Item #: AAS030
Periodic Acid Solution, 30ml, Item #: PAQ030
Schiff's Solution, 30ml, Item #: SRF030
Hematoxylin, Mayer's, 30ml, Item #: HMM030
Bluing Reagent, 30ml, Item #: BRT030